Jacques 1:27 – Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

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Notre ONG


Guylain DE DECKER & Nadège KABISA.

As parents and Christians, we were shocked to see that babies born “viable” are thrown away, whereas a child represents for us a gift from God with an inestimable value.

So we decided not to sit back and do nothing, and set up this NGO called CAMSE, in Kinshasa, to take care of these abandoned newborn babies.

Notre ONG
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Operations and income

We operate mainly thanks to donations from our members and a sponsorship system to ensure that these babies have enough to eat.

We buy them food, cots and clothes, and we provide them with “mummies who look after the children” and 24-hour care staff to support them on a daily basis.

We also cover all their school fees, from nursery school to university. (Jacques 1 : 27)