Jacques 1:27 – Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

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Centre d'Adoption Moïse Sauvé des Eaux

Jacques 1:27

Who are we?

CAMSE NGO (Non-Governmental Organisation “Centre d’Adoption Moïse Sauvé des Eaux”) is an association that comes to the aid of abandoned newborn babies in DR Congo, offering them a place to live, educational support and a family environment.

CAMSE thus contributes to the well-being of these children and offers them a future with great hope.



Our NGO operates in the traditional way thanks to your generosity.

By making a donation (one-off or regular) or by becoming a sponsor, you enable us to support these babies:

  • by providing them with a living space that is conducive to their development;
  • by providing them with appropriate healthcare;
  • by giving them access to quality education from early childhood.

Personalised donations

To diversify our resources, we thought about setting up a personalised donation system.

We’ve noticed that some of our donors prefer to help by offering more ‘tangible’ items.

So if you’d like to help out with products and accessories that will make our day-to-day work easier, don’t hesitate to visit our shop.






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